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Downtown Champions
Downtown Champions know that Main Street is the heart of a community. They support downtown revitalization and believe in the Winona Main Street Program vision of creating a downtown where people want to be.
Downtown Leaders
Click the below businesses to visit their website to learn more about who they are and what they do!
Downtown Advocates
Let's be friends!
Friend Level - $75
- Receive Friend of Main Street Sticker
- Added to monthly Main Street Newsletter
- Supporting an important program that contributes to the continued growth and development of historic Downtown Winona
Downtown Advocate Level - $175
- Everything listed at “Friend Level” PLUS...
- Business/Company/Organization name listed on Main Street’s website
- Eligible for grant opportunities provided by Rethos, the organization that houses Main Street Program at the State level (Only eligible if business is located in the Downtown district)
- Priority eligibility to participate in Main Street events (Parade of Trucks, Big Muddy Brew ‘N Que, Streets & Treats, Halloween Window Walk, Holiday Window Walk, Shop Small Saturday)
- Social Media recognition for news and announcements
Downtown Leader Level - $300
- Everything listed at “Downtown Advocate Level” PLUS...
- Business/Company/Organization name AND logo listed on Main Street’s website along with hyperlink redirecting user to your website
- Priority sponsorship opportunities for Main Street Fundraising events (Parade of Trucks, Big Muddy Brew ‘N Que, Streets & Treats, Light Up Downtown, Shop Small Saturday, Toast to the Holidays)
- Spot in Main Street Newsletter to make announcements
Downtown Champion Level - $750
- Everything listed at “Downtown Leader Level” PLUS...
- Signage as a Main Street Champion in the downtown district
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